Founded in 2002, the Association of Advisors of the Constitutional Court Advisers (Associação dos Assessores do Tribunal Constitucional – AATRIC) is a non-profit organisation formed of current and former advisors to the Portuguese Constitutional Court (CC), as well as of honorary members distinguished for their relevant contribution to the Court and to the Association.

AATRIC was established with a view to upholding the professional and cultural interests of the advisors of the Constitutional Court and of fostering fraternity among current and former advisors. Yet, the first and foremost purpose of the Association was to contribute to the development and dissemination of studies in the field of Constitutional Law and, in particular, of constitutional justice, namely by encouraging the analysis of the case law of the Portuguese Constitutional Court, by promoting activities that may improve societal knowledge of that case law and by fostering public debate about Constitutional Law.

The creation of the Jurisprudência Constitucional – an editorial project of recognised worth whose publication was suspended in 2007 – was, therefore, a particularly meaningful event in the history of the Association. If the Portuguese Review of Constitutional Law dares to claim for itself the status of heir to that singular accomplishment, it is mostly because it aspires to follow its example, albeit through different paths.

The following were Directors of Jurisprudência Constitucional: Armindo Ribeiro Mendes (2004-2006) and Joaquim Pedro Cardoso da Costa (2006-2007).

The Editorial Board of Jurisprudência Constitucional included: André Folque, António Duarte Silva, Carlos Almeida, Cristina Máximo dos Santos, João Loureiro, Joaquim Pedro Cardoso da Costa, Jónatas Machado, Jorge Pereira da Silva, Jorge Reis Novais, José António Teles Pereira, Luísa Neto, Maria Lúcia Amaral, Mário Torres, Miguel Lobo Antunes, Paulo Castro Rangel, Pedro Bacelar de Vasconcelos and Rui Medeiros. Paula Oliveira Azevedo was secretary to the journal.

The following authors published in Jurisprudência Constitucional: Abel de Campos, Alexandre Sousa Pinheiro, Anabela Costa Leão, Ana Raquel Gonçalves Moniz, António de Araújo, António E. Duarte Silva, António Nunes de Carvalho, António Rocha Marques, Bernardo Xavier, Bruno Santiago, Carla Amado Gomes, Carlos Lopes do Rego, Carlota Pizarro de Almeida, Cristina Máximo dos Santos, Domingos Soares Farinho, Felix Ronkes Agerbeek, Francisco de Sousa da Câmara, Gonçalo Matias, Gustavo Zagrebelsky, Hugo Moredo dos Santos, Ireneu Cabral Barreto, Isabel Alexandre, João Paulo Remédio Marques, João Taborda da Gama, João Zenha Martins, Jónatas E.M. Machado, Jorge Miguéis, Jorge Miranda, Jorge Pereira da Silva, Jorge Reis Novais, José Alberto Azeredo Lopes, José António Teles Pereira, José Carlos Vieira de Andrade, José Joaquim Gomes Canotilho, José Lebre de Freitas, José Manuel Damião da Cunha, José Manuel Meirim, José de Melo Alexandrino, Júlio Gomes, Luís D.S. Morais, Luís Meneses do Vale, Luísa Neto, Margarida Menéres Pimentel, Maria Benedita Urbano, Maria Fernanda Palma, Maria Lúcia Amaral, Maria Paula Ribeiro de Faria, Mário Torres, Nuno Piçarra, Paulo Mota Pinto, Paulo Pulido Aragão, Paulo Saragoça da Matta, Paulo Veiga e Moura, Pedro Lomba, Rita Lobo Xavier, Rui Pinto Duarte, Tiago Duarte, Sérgio Vasques, Vera Lúcia Raposo.

To them – and to all those whose name never came to be imprinted in the journal, but without the enthusiasm of whom it would not have been accomplished – we hereby express our gratitude.